Dnz Technology UK LLP is providing since 2009 consultancy for the simulation, optimization and monitoring of energy systems in petrochemical industry, power-plants, district cooling systems.
Energy intensive manufacturers around the world are highly interested in, and have a strong need for, energy management systems that will help them consume less energy and reduce their operational costs.
Additionally, there is an increasing trend to optimize the mix of conventional and alternative energy sources used by facilities, which can help to protect the environment by reducing the emissions of gases such as CO2 and NOX.
​Tradeoffs between the electrical, steam, and chilled water systems are determined by complex relationships that present challenge to operators in their effort to provide stable and reliable service while at the same time trying to minimize cost and greenhouse gas emissions.
Dnz Technology solutions determines how to manage steam, chilled water, electrical and fuel efficiently and reliably, and provides significant cost savings through the economic optimization.
Dnz Technology
Dnz Technology UK LLP is providing consultancy since 2009 exclusively to Soteica Visual Mesa LLC, (acquired in 2016 by KBC Advanced Technology Inc https://www.kbc.global/ ) a leading provider of energy management solutions group for the oil, gas, petrochemical and district energy industries.
Solutions for Energy Management Systems
Energy costs are a very large and necessary part of the operating expenses of refinery, petrochemical, chemical, gas processing, campus & district energy, gas fired power generation, pulp & paper and other energy intensive facilities.
Tradeoffs between the electrical and steam system are especially significant since the advent of electrical deregulation. This presents a complex problem in determining how to manage your steam, electrical and fuel usage efficiently.
Significant cost savings can be achieved by using an optimization program which acts on the flexibility inherent in the site's energy systems. Dnz Technology is developing solutions to successfully address these energy management issues.
Energy Real-Time Optimizer
The solution offers an online system for utilities management. It allows operators and engineers to have detailed coverage in four distinct areas:
Monitoring: Monitoring the steam, electric, water and fuel systems. Assists in steam system management by monitoring all variables and provides warnings of important changes.
Optimization: Optimizes the production and use of steam, fuel and power to reduce costs. Recommends how to operate the utility system at minimum cost solving the mixed-integer and discrete non-linear optimization problem with an SQP-based method.
What If? Planning: Predicts how the steam system will respond to proposed changes such as a new plant, plant expansions, change of process, shutdowns, etc. using current, historical, or user-defined data.
Auditing, Accounting and Data Validation: Auditing the system with continuously validated data. Mass Balance closure is determined at every location where enough instrumentation is available.
Models & Optimization Routines
Energy Real-Time Optimizer has mathematical models and discrete, non-linear, optimization routines built in to predict how to run the steam and electrical systems at the minimum cost while meeting required plant steam demands and other critical plant constraints.
Energy Real-Time Optimizer also determines where to make incremental steam and electricity as well as identifying which turbines or valves will most efficiently let down the steam between process levels. Users have documented annual energy cost reductions on the order of 5-6% from optimization.
Derya Uztürk
Mr Derya Uztürk is the developer of the described solutions since the incorporation of Dnz Technology in 2009. He holds a Doctorate of Philosophy in Chemical Engineering from Lehigh University, Usa, with PhD Dissertation 'Dynamic Operability of Processes'. Some of his publications are:
Book Chapter
 “A Geometric Approach for Process Operability Analysis”, Georgakis, C., Vinson, D. R., Subramanian, S., and
Uztürk, D., CACE Book on “Integration of Design and Control”, Elsevier Science, 2004.
Journal Papers
 “On the Operability of Continuous Processes”, Georgakis, C., Uztürk, D., Subramanian, S., and Vinson, D. R.,
Control Engineering Practice, Vol. 11(8), 859-869, 2003.
 “HEN Optimizations Without Using Logarithmic-Mean-Temperature Difference”, Akman U., Uygun K., Uztürk D.
and Konukman A. E. S., AIChE J. , Vol. 43(3), 596-606, 2002.
 “Inherent Dynamic Operability of Processes: General Definitions and Analysis of SISO Cases”, Uztürk, D., and
Georgakis, C., Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. , Vol. 41(3), 421-432, 2002.
 “An Optimization Based Approach for Operability Analysis of Continuously Stirred Tank Reactors”, Subramanian, S.,
Uztürk, D., and Georgakis, C., Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. , Vol. 40(20), 4238-4252, 2001.
 “Centralized and Decentralized Control of Retrofit Heat-Exchanger Networks”, Uztürk, D. and Akman, U., Comput.
Chem. Engng. , Vol. 21, Suppl., S373-S378, 1997.
 “Operability of an Autothermal Reactor Linked to a Flexible Heat-Exchanger Network”, Uztürk, D., Konukman, A.
E. S., Boyaci, C., and Akman, U., Comput. Chem. Engng. , Vol. 20, Suppl. B, S943-S948, 1996.
 “Dynamics and Optimal Control of Flexible Heat-Exchanger Networks”, Boyaci, C., Uztürk, D., Konukman, A. E.
S., and Akman, U., Comput. Chem. Engng. , Vol. 20, Suppl. B, S775-S780, 1996.
Conference Papers & Presentations
 “Energy System Real Time Optimization”, Uztürk, D., Franklin H. D., Righi, J. M., and Georgiou, A. T., NPRA
Q&A and Technology Forum, Phoenix, AZ , 2006.
 “Steady-state and Dynamic Operability Analysis of CSTR Systems”, Subramanian, S., Uztürk, D., Mukherjee, S., and
Georgakis, C., AIChE Annual Meeting , Paper 273i, Reno, NV, 2001.
 “On the Operability of Continuous Processes", Georgakis, C., Uztürk, D., Subramanian, S., and Vinson, D. R.,
DYCOPS-6, 6th IFAC Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems, Keynote Paper, Korea, June 2001.
 “Assessment and Enhancement of the Inherent Dynamic Operability of Processes”, Uztürk, D. and Georgakis, C.,
AIChE Annual Meeting , Paper 244i, Los Angeles, CA, 2000.
 “An Optimal Control Perspective on the Inherent Dynamic Operability of Processes”, Uztürk, D. and Georgakis, C.,
AIChE Annual Meeting , Paper 217a, Florida, 1998.
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